Male Therapist, Therapy New York, Therapy New Jersey, KOACH Therapy

Michael Gurock
Michael Gurock is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in both New York and New Jersey. Michael works with teenagers, adults, and families.
Utilizing Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) therapy techniques, Michael works collaboratively with patients to move forward and lead more balanced lives. This is achieved and sustained by giving patients specific tools to better manage the conditions they are coping with.
Why Koach with a “K”?
Much of Michael’s positioning with individuals and their families is to coach them through difficult life transitions and immediate challenges they are facing. Michael does so with Kindness hence the “K” but also by helping to uncover and unlock the unique qualities they possess.
Koach is actually a transliteration of the Hebrew word ×›×— which means strength, force, power, or might. Michael collaborates with everyone to positively affirm just how strong and mighty they are to improve their life.